Imagine touching one button as you exit the garage. The house lights dim or turn-off as perimeter lights turn on, the stereo and television shut off, the thermostat drops the heat four degrees and the alarm system arms itself. Today’s technology makes all this possible.
Home automation combines many separately operated subsystems such as alarm, lighting, and climate control into one integrated panel. This panel can be built into a wall or many walls, or it can be a wireless hand-held tablet. The panel can also be used for stereo, pool/spa or security camera images. You tell us the goals you want to achieve and we customize the settings for you.
Having music throughout the house is just the beginning. For total home technology, well add media servers to handle whole house distribution and full storage of all your CDs and DVDs. The media server allows you to access any movie or CD in your collection from any room in the house , and can accommodate multiple entertainment options.
We have free APPS to control volume, room and source right from your iPod, iPhone or Android device. Send a movie to any connected room on demand and handheld controllers are available for operation without using any WIFI enabled via the SONOS controller.
Home Security Alarms from Messenger Systems keeps you and your family safe so you can enjoy life without worrying. While on vacation, at work or out shopping you can relax knowing that your alarm system is in place, and monitoring, keeping a watchful eye on your home and family.
With high-definition surveillance cameras in and around your home, you can monitor activities real-time whether you’re in the house or halfway around the globe.
You can never have too many computer network outlets. In the next few years this will be critical. And ultimately, computer networks will enhance the resale value of your home. Soon, IP-addressed products from all manufacturers will dominate the home electronics industry. Messenger Systems can design and outfit your home with a computer network to create the ultimate digital experience.
If you’re using smart devices and have a home technology system you’ll be living in a connected home environment that offers convenience, flexibility, and an enhanced lifestyle. Messenger Systems will work with you to determine which technologies need to be connected on your network, wired or wireless, to meet your needs.
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